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Fathers' mental illness diagnosis increases fertility risk

Washington DC [USA], Jul 23 (ANI): According to a study published in the open access journal PLOS Medicine, reports of the thoughts of fathers and mothers are associated with childbirth. The study showed for the first time that the risk of having a child is higher than babies whose father or mother has a mental illness than those who do not, and the risk increases when both parents are diagnosed. Premature birth is linked to poor health problems for babies. Women with mental illness are at increased risk of preterm birth, but less is known about the risk in children of fathers with mental illness and for couples who have both parents with a mental diagnosis. Weiyao Yin and colleagues at Karolinska Institutet analyzed data on all births to Nordic parents in Sweden between 1997 and 2016. They obtained psychiatric diagnoses from national patient records and pregnancy data from medical birth records. There are 1.5 million births in the group, of which 15% are parents with research. The team found a trend during early pregnancy in the children of parents with mental disorders. For parents without a diagnosis, 5.8% of babies were born prematurely. Paternal diagnosis increased the risk to 6.3% of births and maternal diagnosis increased the risk to 7.3% of births. However, where both parents have a diagnosis, the risk of stillbirth is high, affecting 8.3% of births. The researchers also found that the risk was increased for parents - both mothers and fathers - with multiple co-occurring mental illnesses. The future study is to be remembered whether supporting alternative for reasonable families may have feelings in education ages.Yan is also said: "The parents have mental disease increases the risk of studying - mother and fathers."

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