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A new food label reveals the foods that help you live longer

Los Angeles [USA], Jul 24 (ANI): According to a new study, eating foods that are environmentally friendly can help you live a long and healthy life. In a study conducted over 30 years, researchers found that those who eat regularly are 25 percent less likely to die than those who do not eat. This research is based on previous studies that have identified foods that are beneficial to both human health and the environment, such as fruits, vegetables, non-starchy vegetables, nuts and unsaturated oils, as well as foods that can harm both, such as eggs and red and cooked meat. According to new research, eating better can reduce the risk of dying from diseases such as cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and neurological disease. Linh Bui, MD, a doctoral student in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, said, "We have proposed a new food label that incorporates the best current scientific evidence of the effects of food on health and the environment." "The results support our hypothesis that a higher food score is associated with a lower risk of death."  Bui will present the findings at NUTRITION 2023, the American Society for Nutrition's flagship meeting being held July 22-25 in Boston. According to current evidence, plant-based foods are associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, colorectal cancer, diabetes and stroke, and a reduced environmental impact in terms of water use, land use, food pollution and gas emissions. With the new study, the researchers aim to create a simple tool that policy makers and public health officials can use to develop strategies to improve public health and solve climate problems. "As a millennial, I've always been concerned about reducing human impact on the environment," Bui said. "Sustainable food will not only be healthy, but also flexible within the limits of the planet for greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental issues."  To create their Planetary Health Diet Index (PHDI), researchers reviewed existing research on the relationship between different food groups and health outcomes based on the EAT-Lancet Reference Diet which takes into account the environmental impact of food production practices. They then applied the guidelines to examine outcomes among more than 100,000 participants in two large cohort studies conducted in the United States. The data set includes more than 47,000 deaths during an observation period spanning more than three decades from 1986-2018. Overall, they found that people in the highest quintile (the fifth most active person) for the PHDI had a 25% lower risk of death from any cause than those in the lowest quintile. Bui cautioned that the PHDI does not cover all food products and their relationship with all major diseases in all countries. People with specific health conditions, religious restrictions, or different food availability due to socioeconomic status or food availability may face challenges in following a sustainable diet. Further research may help clarify and overcome these barriers. "We hope that researchers can adapt this index to specific food crops and confirm its link with chronic diseases and environmental impacts such as carbon footprint, water footprint and land use among others," said Bui. (ANI)

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